Healthy Living
One thing I took away from Professor Flick’s lecture is how
important health literacy is and how we as future occupational therapists are
responsible for making sure our clients understand us. While I have heard of
the term health literacy before, I do not think that I ever really thought too deeply
about it. The video that Professor Flick showed us of the people who had lower
reading levels really stuck out to me. The woman who had no clue that she was
having a hysterectomy until after it was already finished shocked me. It is our
responsibility as health professionals to make sure our clients understand what
we are saying and doing and why we are doing those things. It helped me to know
what signs to look for with a client that they may not understand what is going
on like not asking questions because they are confused or maybe even intimidated,
not finished their paperwork, or even just missing appointments and not taking
their medicines.
Another thing I learned about was the Institute for
Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and their Triple Aim goals. I did not know this
institute even existed before I listened to this lecture. Their Triple Aim includes
improving the patient experience of care, improving the health of populations,
and reducing the per capita cost of care. These are all very important things,
so I am glad they are actively being worked on to improve them. Knowing that
this exists will help me be a better OT in the future because I will have even
more strategies to implement to ensure that my clients are getting the best
care possible.
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